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   by Audrey Vanderstoop


Are you determined to meet your weight loss goals this year? If healthier habits and weight loss are among your New Year's resolutions, give yourself a pat on the back for making health a top priority.  The hard part is actually sticking to it and making real changes. Let Beverly Hills Weight Management Centres help you achieve your best body for 2009!

At Beverly Hills, we know that the safest and most effective way for you to control your weight is through a program designed specifically for you. You need a program that is professionally tailored to your body type and personality. We offer a weight management plan that fits your lifestyle, and provides the guidance to walk you through the process. You will receive the support and encouragement you need while you are losing and maintaining your weight. Our trained counselors are committed to your success and will guide you with understanding and motivation.

The caring and personal support provided by our counselors is a key element to your success. A common question asked by our clientele is whether our program is easy to follow. Unlike many "diet programs" there is no need for calorie counting, measuring or complicated meal planning. Beverly Hills success is based on its simplicity and long-term results.

Our program is simple and effective providing unlimited clinic visits and based on grocery store bought foods. You can also take advantage of our unique Body Sculpting Treatments. In five weeks you can lose 15-25 inches! This program involves 12 electro-muscle toning treatments, a fat-burning menu plan and nutritional assessment. Learn how you will achieve 9 hours of workout in the time it takes to shop for groceries. Build and tone your muscles without harsh impact or fatigue.  If you want proven results, call us to book your free consultation and trial treatment. This year the body you’ve always wanted is just a phone call away.
Call 905-331-4383


If you consider yourself fairly disciplined when trying to lose weight, and still nothing is happening, there could be a very good reason.  In this day and age of increasing environmental pollutants, leading to toxins building up in our systems, our bodies are going into coping mode.  It is natural for your body to hold onto fat if toxins are taking a toll on your system.  Studies have proven that we store toxins in our fat cells to help the liver deal with the overwhelming flow of harmful chemicals in our modern diet and our environment.

More and more people of all ages have come to me with questions concerning this very health issue.  Detoxifying is becoming an important aspect of healthy weight loss.  Using my background in holistic as a qualified RNCP, I have developed a detox program that can be utilized with or without weight loss and works in harmony with your body for optimum results.

The Healthy Detox Program includes an Alkaline Diet, Herbal Cleanse and the AOK Ion Footbath, which gently stimulates the body's natural removal of toxins and helps to complete your program.  This is a two week cleanse that will not leave you feeling tired or exhausted.  After twenty years of working in the holistic field, I have seen the side effects of detoxifying too quickly.  Not many people have the time to put their life on hold for two weeks and so don't attempt the cleanse, while others last only a few days before the 'crash' is just too much.  If you would like to learn more then contact me at


The holiday season is now behind us and with it one of the most fattening months of year – December.  With all the festivities, the cocktails and other fattening treats, many of us were not left unscathed. You may have lost weight in the fall when you were motivated and now you have put some of it back on.  You may have put on more weight and feel heavier than ever.  Well, take comfort in the fact that this happens to the majority of us. Maintaining your optimum weight is a constant and conscious effort. The healthiest and most effective thing you can do for yourself is first, not to panic, and second, go back to the beginning again.  Right now, all I want you to do is reinforce good habits and put into action what you already know.

Step One:  Are you drinking all your water? The need to hydrate is very important in the winter. I read once that the average home in Canada is drier than a desert!  Your body needs water for the elimination of toxins, waste and fats.


Step Two:  Start to write down everything that you eat in a day. You will be amazed at what has started to creep back into your diet.

Step Three: Check your portion sizes – has the fun of socializing during the holidays led you to disregard to how much you put on your plate?

Step Four:  Are there still really fattening trigger foods in your cupboard? Give them away or throw them out. Get back to healthy fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.

Step Five:  Take a good hard look at your alcohol intake and make sure that you are keeping this to a moderate consumption.  Drink only on weekends – one or two glasses of dry wine for instance.

Step Six:  Eat the seasonal fruits and vegetables, especially if they are grown locally and even better if they are organic.  Dark green vegetables like brussel sprouts, broccoli, swiss chard and kale have unique anti-oxidants that may prevent certain cancers.  Fruits such as apples do as well.   Pears and plums can be found locally and have bioflavonoids important for our immune systems.

These are just a few steps to help get you started back into a healthy lifestyle where food is concerned.  The autumn is also the time to make sure you are taking a good quality multi vitamin and a B-Complex to boost your immune system through the darkening days. Try to get plenty of sleep and stay active which is easy in these moderate temperatures.

For a FREE Consultation call: 905-331-4383

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